Lesson Plan

Celebra Kwanzaa

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Celebra Kwanzaa lesson plan also includes:

¡Celebramos Kwanzaa! Celebrate Kwanzaa through the fictional story Celebra Kwanzaa con Botitas y sus gatitos to delightfully explain the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Dual language learners participate in reading and vocabulary activities as well as learn about the African American culture.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Tailor the lesson to be completed in one day versus three days
  • Compare and contrast the symbols in Kwanzaa with the symbols used in Hanukkah or Christmas
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires the book Celebra Kwanzaa con Botitas y sus gatitos by F. Isabel Campoy and Alma Flor Ada
  • Teacher should be proficient in Spanish, as a lot of the plan is in Spanish
  • Links on resource make planning and printing easier
  • Provides extensions to lesson create interdisciplinary connections between literacy, social studies, science, and math
  • Designed to meet specific Common Core standards
  • Worksheet listed in the vocabulary section is not included with resource