
Choose the Operation: Plus or minus (up to 100)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Choose the Operation: Plus or minus (up to 100) worksheet also includes:

Investigate the relationship between addition and subtraction as scholars fill in these number sentences, each of which is missing a symbol. Is it a subtraction or addition equation? There are 20 of these to start, all written horizontally. What patterns do kids notice that may help them determine the symbol more quickly? The next set of eight problems are written out in word-form sentences and are missing an addend or a minuend (i.e. "I subtract 20 from a number and have 3 left. What number did I start with?"). Finally, learners do 12 more missing-symbol problems, each with cent symbols but no decimals. Consider numbering these before printing to make review easier.

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CCSS: Designed
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2nd - 4th
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Common Core