Lesson Plan

Circuits and the Flow of Electricity Lesson Plan

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Circuits and the Flow of Electricity Lesson Plan lesson plan also includes:

I think I lost an electron. Are you sure? Yes, I'm positive! Starting with a hands-on demonstration and problem solving activity, young scientists define vocabulary related to circuitry and currents. Then they build their own circuits focusing on the differences between series circuits and parallel circuits.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Create circuits incorrectly and allow your class to identify the problem and fix them (i.e. a loose connection)
  • Have snap circuits, or another circuitry set, and challenge pupils to make something with sound instead of light
Classroom Considerations
  • Carefully select the volunteers so that no one will get injured in the demonstration
  • Easy-to-see results during the experiment
  • Highly engaging demonstration
  • Answer key is not included