
Compare and Contrast Dr. Seuss

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Celebrate Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' birthday with this compare and contrast graphic organizer in which three stories are examined for their setting, characters, problems, events, and solution. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Invite scholars to vote on their favorite Dr. Seuss books; choose the top three of the class' favorites to compare and contrast 
  • Create a Dr. Seuss board showcasing the different titles the class explored along with the compare and contrast graphic organizer 
  • Schedule time to visit the school library to discover, or download, books by Dr. Seuss so learners can search his many different titles
Classroom Considerations
  • Copies are required 
  • The graphic organizer is neatly presented for easy reading and inputting of information 
  • The worksheet's title font can be difficult to read