
Concord Consortium: Stem Resources: Chemical Bonds

Curated by ACT

By working through this web-based activity, students differentiate between ionic, non-polar covalent, and polar covalent bonds. Specifically, distinctions are made between bonding types based on orbital shapes and electronegativity between involved atoms, then this information is used to explain how a molecular surface becomes polarized when polar covalent bonds are part of a larger molecule. Multiple-choice and short answer questions are found interspersed with interactive media and short text. Teachers have the opportunity to register, granting them access to students' progress, pre- and post-tests, and a full teacher guide/ answer key.

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Classroom Considerations
  • Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
  • The intended use for this resource is Instructional|practice