
Conversion of Decimals, Fractions, and Percents

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Five questions—true or false and multiple-choice—challenge mathematicians to convert decimals, fractions, and percents. An interactive table displays how to write a portion of shapes in a variety of ways. A discussion question concludes the practice.  

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Direct pupils to complete the interactive as part of their in-class independent practice, conduct the final question as a whole-class discussion
  • Recreate the table and solve each missing piece with the class 
  •  Encourage learners to use their notes and scratch-paper while they work 
Classroom Considerations
  • Learners can drag and drop answers to complete the table but work is not evaluated for correctness 
  • Users require a free CK-12 account 
  • Pieces of the table are color-coded—pink and white 
  • Responses are graded instantly—correct answers are revealed if incorrect responses are chosen 
  • LInks offer hints and additional information
  • None
Common Core