
Convert between Percents, Fractions and Decimals #1

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Pre algebraic learners will be able to master conversion of fractions, decimals, and percents in no time when they use the illustrations on this resource.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • For introduction to converting, use this task as a way for students to answer and show their work
  • Learners will need to convert the problem and then, using manipulatives or drawings, explain how they solved 
  • Using markers, have learners color the illustrated cube purple, solve the fraction in blue, convert the decimal in orange, and mark down the percent in red
  • Quick skills worksheet to send home for extra practice
Classroom Considerations
  • Manipulatives are perfect for differentiating instruction and giving the "whole" picture of solving a problem
  • Laminate worksheets and use with dry erase markers for small group instruction
  • Copy for all math learners to keep in their math folder as a reference
  • Excellent model representation for visual learners
  • Great breakdown concept 
  • Resourceful tool to keep handy in math folder
  • Adaptable for any language
  • None