Lesson Plan

Developing a Positive Attitude

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Be positive! That's the take-away from a lesson plan about how a positive attitude influences actions and increases one's ability to succeed. To conclude the lesson plan, participants create a plan for how to respond positively to obstacles.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Warn the volunteers that they will be part of an experiment about positive and negative attitudes
  • Post the list of techniques to develop a positive attitude in a prominent place in the classroom
  • Have participants store their plans in the folder they created for the course
Classroom Considerations
  • The activity has the potential to devolve quickly; observe the volunteers closely, intervene when the "Cannot" volunteer shows signs of distress, and extend the debrief to ensure that they understand the purpose of the activity
  • A link to an overview of the module is provided in the Included Materials section
  • First of five lesson in the Managing Personal Resources module of the Overcoming Obstacles course
  • Requires poster paper and art supplies
  • The list of techniques reminds learners that there are many different ways to respond positively to adverse situations
  • None