Lesson Plan

Drugs: Grades 3-5

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Two lessons take a close look at drug prevention. The first lesson, split into two sessions, challenges learners to gather information from an article, answer questions, then create a poster that encourages others to stay away from drugs. In lesson two, pupils act out an original skit showcasing how to deal with peer pressure. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Conduct the quiz before and after the lessons to gauge learners' comprehension
  • Perform a jigsaw reading to gather information from the article
  • Send a letter home to inform parents and guardians about the lessons' topic and offer talking points to keep the discussion going outside of school
Classroom Considerations
  • Materials include articles, poster-making supplies, and copies of handouts
  • The quiz comes with an answer key
  • Both lessons offer extension opportunities
  • None
Common Core