Curated by
A site with examples and information about early American paintings from 1671-1829. Use the timeline to click on a time period, or click and select by artist, genre, or place of origin. Also includes an extensive bibliography.
Additional Tags
art link social study, art timeline, colonial artists, colonial painting, history paintings, portaiture, still life, american paintings, benjamin west, charles willson peale, chester harding, christian gallager, edward savage, ethan allen greenwood, gilbert stuart, james earl, james frothingham, james peale, jeremiah paul, jeremiah theus, john ritto penniman, john singleton copley, john vanderlyn, john waldo durant, john wollaston, jose francisco xavier salzar y mendoza, joseph badger, joseph blackburn, ralph earl, samuel lovett waldo, thomas smith, thomas sully, washington allston, william dunlap, early american painting, landscape, timeline, american art of the colonial period, art connections to social studies
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)