Lesson Plan

Econ Ed Link: Satisfaction Please! (Part I)

Curated by ACT

Even the savviest consumer has a problem with a good or service on occasion. It is a consumer's right to complain when there is a genuine problem. In some situations, it is also a consumer's responsibility. A problem can't be fixed if no one knows it exists. In this series of three lessons, students learn how to effectively seek redress for a consumer problem. In the first lesson, they are given tips for seeking redress from a seller of a good or service via personal visits, telephone calls an letters. They write a letter in an effort to resolve a consumer problem they or someone they know has experienced. Lessons 2 ad 3 focus on what to do when a consumer is unable to get a problem resolved with a seller. A variety of options are presented in both the public and private arena. Students must select sources of outside help that would be appropriate in hypothetical situations they are given.

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Classroom Considerations
  • Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)