Instructional Video

EdTech Tuesday: A Flipped Classroom with Lee Graves

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Imagine taping a lecture once rather than repeating yourself six times a day. Such an approach is one of the benefits of the flipped classroom approach to learning. Lee Graves provides a clear and concise explanation of this instructional technique.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Before launching this approach, survey your class members to determine what technology they have available outside the classroom
  • Providing learners with reading or response guides for materials viewed at home offers a focus for their attention and accountability for the materials
  • Use the video to launch a department or school-wide discussion of this instructional technique
Classroom Considerations
  • Instituting flipped classrooms throughout the school requires a whole-staff conversation about the amount of time students will be spending on homework for an individual class
  • The flipped classroom approach assumes that all learners have access to the required technology outside of school
  • Having trouble getting the video to play smoothly? Clicking the blue HD letters in the lower-right corner will play the video at a lower resolution and decrease buffering time
  • Graves uses examples drawn from his own experience to explain the advantages of the flipped classroom approach
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