
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: General George H. Thomas

Curated by ACT

General Thomas, born in Southampton County, Va., July 31st, 1816, died in San Francisco, Cal., March 28th, 1870; was graduated from the United States Military Academy, July 1st, 1840, and commissioned second lieutenant in the Third Artillery; served in the Florida war, 1840-42; Mexican War, 1846-48; war against the Seminoles, 1849-50. He was appointed brigadier general of volunteers, August 17th, 1861, and assigned to duty on the Department of the Cumberland. On 25th of April, 1862, he was made major general. General Thomas served with distinction to the close of the war, and was rewarded by receiving a vote of thanks from Congress.- Frank Leslie, 1896

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Resource Details
9th - 10th
All Subjects
Resource Type
Graphics & Images
For Administrator Use
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