
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: General George W. Morgan

Curated by ACT

General Morgan, born in Washington County, Pa., September 20th, 1820, died at Old Point Comfort, Va., July 26th, 1893. At the beginning of the War with Mexico he was made colonel of the Second Ohio Volunteers, and he was subsequently appointed colonel of the Fifteenth United States Infantry, which he led with ability under General Scott, receiving for his gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco, where he was severely wounded, the thanks of the Ohio Legislature and the brevet of brigadier general. On November 21st, 1861, he was made brigadier general of volunteers. In March, 1862, he assumed the command of the Seventh Division of the Army of the Ohio, with which he was ordered to occupy Cumberland Gap, in Southern Kentucky, then held by the Confederates. He forced the enemy to retire on June 18th, 1862. He also served in the Valley of the Kanawha and at Vicksburgh, and was afterward assigned to the Thirteenth Army Corps, and commanded at the capture of Fort Hindman, Ark. Owing to failing health he resigned in June, 1863.- Frank Leslie, 1896

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9th - 10th
All Subjects
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Graphics & Images
For Administrator Use
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