General Brannan, born in the District of Columbia in 1819, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1841, and stationed at Plattsburg, N. Y., in 1841-'42. During the Mexican War he was first lieutenant in the First Artillery. He took part in the battles of Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, La Hoya, Contreras and Churubusco, and for gallant and meritorious conduct was brevetted captain on August 28th, 1847. During the next fourteen years he performed much arduous service on the frontier, and from 1856 till 1858 took a gallant part in the campaign against the Seminoles. On September 28th, 1861, he was promoted to be brigadier general of volunteers, serving in the far South until January 24th, 1863. On October 10th, 1863, he became chief of artillery of the Department of the Cumberland, and held that position till June 25th, 1865. On March 13th, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier general in the regular army for his part in the capture of Atlanta, and major general for gallant and meritorious services during the war. -Leslie, 1896