General Pope, born in Louisville, Ky., March 16th, 1822, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1842, and made brevet second lieutenant of engineers. He served in Florida in 1842-'44, and took part in the Mexican War, being brevetted first lieutenant for gallantry at Monterey, and captain for his services in the battle of Buena Vista. In May, 1861, he was made brigadier general and assigned to command in Missouri. When General Curtis was sent in pursuit of Price, General Pope was dispatched to Commerce, Mo., where he organized rapidly an army of 12,000 men, and by his vigorous movements in March, 1862, captured New Madrid and Island No. 10, with thousands of prisoners. He was then promoted to be major general of volunteers and brigadier general in the regular army. He went into Washington, where he took command of the Army of Virginia, with which he fought the battle of Cedar Mountain and the second battle of Bull Run. He died September 23rd, 1892.- Frank Leslie, 1896