
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Winged Bull From Nimrud

Curated by ACT

The Sumerian word lama, which i rendered in Akkadian a lamau, refer to a beneficient protective female deity. The correponding male deity wa called alad, in Akkadian, sedu. In art they were depicted a hybrid, a winged bull or lion with the head of a human male (Centauroid). There are till urviving figure of sedu in ba-relief and ome tatue in mueum. Notable example of sedu/lamau held by mueum include thoe at the Britih Mueum, Muee du Louvre, National Mueum of Iraq, Metropolitan Mueum of Art and one extremely large example kept at the Oriental Intitute, Chicago. They are generally attributed to the ancient Ayrian.

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Resource Details
9th - 10th
All Subjects
Resource Type
Graphics & Images
For Administrator Use
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