
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: North America, 1903

Curated by ACT

A map from 1903 of North America. The focus of this map is the Dominions of Canada, showing the transportation network in from Montreal east to Quebec and Nova Scotia, and west to Vancouver, British Columbia. The map shows the territorial divisions of Canada at the time, including Yukon, Mackenzie, British Columbia, Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Assiniboia, Manitoba, Keewatin, Ontario, Ungava, Quebec, and the territories of Newfoundland. The map includes inset maps detailing the Aleutian Islands, the Nicaragua Canal area, and Panama Canal area, showing the completed and unfinished portions of the canal projects at the time.

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Resource Details
9th - 10th
All Subjects
Resource Type
Graphics & Images
For Administrator Use
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