Lesson Plan


Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This ELA.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.9 lesson plan also includes:

As the saying goes: there are no new stories. Standard 9 for reading literature in the Common Core addresses this fact and requires that students be able to analyze how authors use the themes, stories, and characters of earlier works. Like other lessons from this source, the lesson includes several pairings of texts that can be used to practice this skill with your class. After reviewing a couple sample pairings with your pupils, discussing what aspects they have in common as well as how they differ from one another, individuals can take the included multiple choice quizzes. The questions and discussion prompts do a great job of drawing students' attention to the details of the text and to supporting their analysis. 

1 Collection 83 Views 73 Downloads
CCSS: Designed
Resource Details
9th - 10th
English Language Arts
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Resource Types
Activities & Projects
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2 hrs
Instructional Strategies
Collaborative Learning
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Common Core