
Elapsed Time Ruler Sample 1 x 4 Rulers

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Elapsed Time Ruler Sample 1 x 4 Rulers printable also includes:

Who knew that you could measure time with a ruler? This great printable resource allows young mathematicians to visualize the hours of the day as they learn to calculate elapsed time.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Provide this resource to students at the beginning of a lesson series on time, allowing them to use it as a reference when solving in-class and homework assignments
  • Have students hold the ends of the ruler together to demonstrate the cyclic nature of time
Classroom Considerations
  • Elapsed time rulers may be difficult for younger children to correctly assemble
  • Create a laminated set of these rulers to use year after year when teaching how to calculate elapsed time
  • Resource allows students to calculate elapsed time to the nearest half hour
  • The terms midnight and noon are used to distinguish 12 a.m. from 12 p.m.
  • None
Common Core