Lesson Plan

Electricity: Sources, Usage, Challenges, and the Future

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Electricity: Sources, Usage, Challenges, and the Future lesson plan also includes:

What does the future of energy look like? Junior engineers collaborate to discover a solution to the global energy crisis during a very hands-on instructional activity. The unit focuses on learning through collaboration to develop a deep understanding of current energy issues and meeting design constraints in engineering.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Print and distribute the vocabulary list at the beginning of the unit, so pupils use the correct terms as they work with their groups
  • Schedule a field trip to a local power plant, if one is nearby
Classroom Considerations
  • Make sure you are familiar with the energy resources and energy providers in your area before beginning the lesson plan
  • The lesson is adaptable to traditional, block, or modified A-B schedules
  • Great activities and superb planning make the resource a go-to for your next NGSS engineering endeavor
  • There are a few spelling errors in the Unit Plan teacher's reference