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A detail map of central Lake Champlain near Plattsburgh showing the Battle of Valcour Island (October 11-13, 1776) between the British and American navies. The map is keyed to show (A) the American fleet under Arnold, (B) 21 gun-boats, (C) schooner Carleton, 12 six pounders, (D) ship Inflexible, 18 twelve pounders, (E) anchorage of the British fleet during the night, to cut off the Americans' retreat, (F) radeau Thunderer, 6 twenty-four pounders and 12 six pounders, (G) gondola Loyal Convert, 7 nine pounders, (H) schooner Maria, 14 six pounders, with General Carleton on board, (I) the place where the American schooner Royal Savage, of 8 six pounders and 4 four pounders was burned. - Lossing, 1851, p.163.