
Episode 17: Public Goods

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Episode 17: Public Goods podcast also includes:

Why are some goods public and others private? Scholars compare and contrast what makes an item a rival or excludable as they listen to an enlightening podcast. They investigate everything from street lights to automobiles, placing items in the public or private goods category.

1 Collection 9 Views 3 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Brainstorm and create a list of public and private goods 
  • As a review of the lesson, create flashcards of a public or private goods and quiz the class on their knowledge of both 
Classroom Considerations
  • Lesson works for grades 6-12 and beyond
  • Podcast is the 17th in a 21-part economic series
  • Resource provides printable transcript of the podcast for classroom use
  • Lesson includes teacher questions and materials on the Econ Lowdown website
  • None