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PowerPoint style site traces the beginnings of the Peloponnesian War, the Delian League, and the Archidamian War. Includes references and further reading.
Additional Tags
ancient war, demosthenes, aegospotami river, alcibiades, archidamian war, athenian military, boeotian league, cleon, corcyra, corinth, delian league, european history: the peloponnesian war, greek war, greek wars, lamachus, magna graecia, naxos, nicias, piraeus, plataea, potidaea, sicilian expedition, spartan military, sphacteria, ancient greek military, great peloponnesian war, peloponnesian war
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information