Lesson Plan

Evaluating the Format of Informational Text

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Evaluating the Format of Informational Text lesson plan also includes:

Make your learners aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using different media in presentations. This straightforward resource evaluates media formations such as print, digital text, and videos. Although the subject of ballet is not extensively used in the traditional language arts educational setting, the content of the subject is designed well enough to be effective. If ballet would not work with your learners, any other subject could be substituted and the format of the resource would still work efficiently.   

54 Views 81 Downloads
CCSS: Designed
Resource Details
7th - 12th
English Language Arts
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
2 hrs
Instructional Strategies
Collaborative Learning
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Usage Permissions
Fine Print
Common Core