
Expand it! Writing Complex Sentences

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Instruct your pupils to make those simple sentences complex! For this exercise, learners are given eight pairs of complete sentences and subordinating conjunctions. It's their job to transform each sentence by using the subordinating conjunction and a little imagination.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Since this is a quick exercise, it would work really nicely as a warm-up, homework assignment, or even an assessment
  • When students have completed the page, have them share with a partner to check their work and then compete as a class for the most creative, but still reasonable, new sentence parts
Classroom Considerations
  • As the suggested answers show, it it possible to put the subordinating conjunctions and new sentence part at the beginning of the sentence; make sure that your class is aware of this option
  • Includes a suggested answer sheet
  • Uses the word parenthesis instead of the correct plural version, parentheses
Common Core