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Lesson Planet
This Extranjeros and Expansion lesson plan also includes:
A three-part lesson gives light to the Unites States expansion from the view of Texans, New Mexicans, and Californians. Through videos and written activities, scholars work collaboratively to research specific individuals and their reaction towards the expansion. To further the learning experience, participants write a letter to congress and create fictional characters to describe what life was like in the 1800s.
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Instructional Ideas
- Pose reflection questions on a classroom blog, direct learners to complete their reflection at the end of the class or for homework to save on time
- Conduct cooperative learning activities for pupils to share their letters with their peers
- Showcase finished products during Hispanic Heritage Month which takes place September 15th-October 15th
Classroom Considerations
- Although the lesson is designed for grades seven through 12, it can be adapted for grades four through eight
- Parts two and three are considered extension activities
- Materials are well organized and easily accessed
- Related videos are listed at the bottom of the resource
- Directions provide historical details for added background knowledge
- None