Lesson Plan

Factoring Trinomials Using Tiles

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

What's the opposite of multiplying binomials? Learners apply their previous knowledge of multiplying binomials using algebra tiles to factor trinomials. The lesson introduces factoring as a process that uses algebra tiles to work backwards from multiplying binomials.

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CCSS: Designed
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Instructional Ideas
  • Use this resource to introduce factoring trinomials


Classroom Considerations
  • Assumes learners understand how to use algebra tiles to multiply binomials
  • It is possible to split the lesson into two days, one for when a = 1 and another for when a > 1
  • Provides a link to an applet that uses virtual algebra tiles in case physical algebra tiles are not available
  • New and veteran teachers alike will appreciate the post-reflection

Common Core