
Famous Artists Lapbook

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Famous Artists Lapbook activity also includes:

Create mini books with some of the most beautiful and well-known masterpieces of our time. Learners read short paragraphs about famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, and Johannes Vermeer, and create different kinds of miniature books to feature their creations.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Use in an art history lesson, or in a unit about different art techniques
  • Extend the activity with a research assignment on one of the featured artists
  • Choose different ways to use the resource based on suggestions on the first few pages
Classroom Considerations
  • Offers minimal information about each artist; you will need to supply more biographical information, or use the resource as an auxiliary to your lesson
  • You will need to print pages in color for best results in recreating the paintings