Lesson Plan

Figurative Language

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Figurative Language lesson plan also includes:

Similes and metaphors make writing more beautiful and detailed, but can be a little harder to decipher during a first reading. Use a passage from The Man Who Loved Words to show young readers how to think through passages that contain figurative language.

1 Collection 1058 Views 809 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Extend the comparisons by first creating a bank of words associated with the comparison (laugh=bells, chime, ring, peal, etc.)
Classroom Considerations
  • The exercises assume class members are familiar with the 5-Step Literacy Routine
  • Requires a class set of Noah Webster: The Man Who Loved Words
  • The lesson references a news article that is not included
  • Includes directions for the 5-Step Literacy Routine
  • Provides adaptations and extensions for English language learners
  • None