Lesson Plan

Fitness: Grades 6-8

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Middle schoolers will get a kick out of a instructional activity that asks them to first design a proposal for a kickboxing routine for Kickin' Kelly's new DVD. A second activity has them explaining the fitness routine they will follow to prepare to be a candidate for a reality show called "Fitness Island." In the process, class members identify the health benefits of aerobic exercise.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • If a class member is involved in kickboxing, have them demonstrate moves for the class or invite a local practitioner to talk with the class
  • Divide learners into five groups, give each group a different article to study, then have groups report their findings to the whole class
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires computers with internet access and a word processing program
  • A series of linked articles provides the necessary background information for the activities
  • None