Curated by
"The Savage River: Seventy-One Days with Simon Fraser", an historical novel by Marjorie Wilkins Campbell, begins in 1808 and follows Simon Fraser and his group of Voyageurs as they travel on the Fraser River in British Columbia. This teaching guide has ideas for discussion and learning activities.
Additional Tags
children's author, children's historical fiction, children's writer, literature guide, literature teaching guide, novel study, canadian children's authors, canadian children's literature, canadian children's novels, canadian children's writers, canadian explorers, canadian historical fiction, canadian literature guide, canadian novel study, canadian novel unit, fitzhenry and whiteside: 'the savage river' teaching guide, fraser river, marjorie wilkins campbell, simon fraser, the savage river, voyageurs, elementary literature authors
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)