
Game On: Constitution Activities for Elementary through High School

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Game On: Constitution Activities for Elementary through High School activity also includes:

Who would've guessed that a document written over 200 years ago would still have a lot to teach us today? A set of folder games incorporates parts of a newspaper to teach about the Constitution and how it still applies to life today. The game file includes printable cards and game boards, as well as detailed instructions for how to play at different grade levels.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Give learners a chance to create their own rules for the games
  • Print copies of articles related to the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution to have on hand while playing the game
Classroom Considerations
  • Must print game boards and pieces to play the games
  • Brings current events and relevant content into lessons about a historical document
  • Adaptable for grades 3-12
  • Some questions require an in-depth knowledge of the Constitution
Common Core