Lesson Plan

George Washington Carver: Scientist, Inventor, and Teacher

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Using video clips along with primary and secondary documents, scholars analyze the life of George Washington Carver, one of America's best scientists and inventors. Class members then create music, posters, and skits about this amazing historical figure. 

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Launch the lesson by holding up a jar of peanut butter and asking the class if anyone knows who invented peanut butter
  • Hold a show-and-tell following the lesson to present posters, skits, and music created by class members
  • Divide the classroom into work stations for creating posters, skits, and jingles prior to the lesson
Classroom Considerations
  • Group size should not exceed three
  • Resource contains printable worksheets and graphic organizers for classroom use
  • Video assists audio and visual learners
  • None
Common Core