
Going SmokeFree Matters: Bars and Restaurants

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Your students may not have ever had to decide between a smoking and nonsmoking area in a restaurant, but they still need to understand the health ramifications of secondhand smoke. A comprehensive infographic includes several facts about secondhand smoke, particularly in bars and restaurants, and how smoking in public can adversely affect others.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Send home the link for learners to study and take notes on for homework
  • Have class members write a journal entry about their experience with someone smoking near a restaurant
  • Assign a research project on the smokefree laws in your home state and/or city
Classroom Considerations
  • Resource claims that 24 states do not have comprehensive smokefree laws for these business establishments; have learners conduct extra research to verify, update, and/or elaborate upon that claim
  • Best used as an electronic resource
  • Provides additional links for research
  • Easy to read and understand
  • None