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Learn how to work out conflicts with others "Fairly and peacefully." This website includes simple tips to help you resolve problems, control your anger. Discuss conflict resolution with other students and your parents by using the questions provided.
Additional Tags
children and anger, children and self control, control anger, dealing with anger, dealing with conflicts, disagreements, how to control anger, how to resolve a conflict, problem solutions, resolving conflicts, solving problems, temper, work out conflicts, working out conflicts, 2.3.3 with modeling and support, negotiate to resolve social conflicts with peers, d3. 1.b identify and demonstrate personal behaviors to prevent conflict, d3. 2.a recognize that there are various ways to solve conflicts and utilize these techniques to practice solving problems, d3. 3.b generate ideas to reach a compromise and find resolution during conflict, e1. 1.b generate possible solutions or responses to a problem or needed decision recognizing that there may be more than one perspective, good character: working out conflicts, problem solving
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 2 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)