Lesson Plan

Grade 12 ELA Module 1: Unit 1, Lesson 25

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Class members return to the discussion of The Autobiography of Malcolm X using the questions they developed and their annotated notes of the events in chapter 17.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Preview the YouTube video of Malcolm X's speech after returning from Mecca to see if appropriate for your class
Classroom Considerations
  • The 25th lesson in a 28-series unit on narrative writing that uses The Autobiography of Malcolm X as an anchor text and as a model for the personal narrative required on the college Common Application
  • A protocol must be in place for the safe, respectful discussion of controversial topics
  • The 14-page packet includes plan procedures, discussion questions and model responses, and a homework assignment
  • A Common Core designed lesson 
  • None