Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 8

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

You can often track a character's development based on others' reactions to their words or actions. Using Karen Russell's "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves," ninth graders work in a jigsaw activity to analyze how Mirabella's behavior affects the characters around her.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Incorporate into a reading or writing unit that focuses on word choice
  • Have your class create found poems with the selected text while keeping the same tone
Classroom Considerations
  • The lesson is the eighth in a series that focuses on the short story
  • The module requires a lot of time spent on one reading resource; consider budgeting less time and choosing the essential skills to cover if scheduling is an issue for you
  • Aligns to reading, speaking, and language Common Core standards
  • Encourages your class to think critically and work together in literature circles
  • Comes with a document version of the lesson plan to edit
  • None