Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 3, Unit 2, Lesson 2

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Focusing on a specific inquiry and area of investigation, ninth graders continue their research projects and portfolios based on Temple Grandin's Animals in Translation and their questions. The activity guides readers through the research process, which includes honing inquiries and asking five additional questions about their desired subject.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Provide multiple copies of the checklist for learners to modify and keep in their language arts binders
  • Have class members rotate through discussion groups to vet their questions and gather feedback to inform the research process
Classroom Considerations
  • The second lesson in a 12-part series
  • Based on the previous unit and its materials, but could exist independently with some modifications
  • Comes with a research plan for learners, which includes steps for the research process, process outcomes, and associated materials
  • Provides a blank checklist for specific inquiry questions, which is versatile for any research project
  • None