
Habits of Mind Interaction Posters

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

From generalizing and justifying to megacognition reflection and perseverance, keep the 16 Habits of Mind as part of an ongoing and developing conversation in your class by displaying these posters around your room throughout the school year. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Discuss the symbols on each of the posters and why they represent that particular Habit of Mind
  • Have learners continually refer back to the posters as they find themselves or others practicing one of the Habits of Mind, and provide a space for acknowledging this behavior
  • Assign a cumulative project whereby learners must draw or reflect on several of the Habits, which they have seen displayed on their classroom walls throughout the year
  • Very modern, attractive images and memorable phrases
  • Easy to print and display
  • None