Lesson Plan

Harmony Day - Driven Out

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Harmony Day - Driven Out lesson plan also includes:

Children explore what life might be like for refugees and people migrating to a different country. Each student lists the five most precious items he/she owns and is then given an extreme scenario to consider. By the end of the exercise, the children will find that because of the events in the scenario, their five items will have to be given away. They discuss how the loss of those things would make them feel, and then generate a new list of five things that would be most important to have as they migrate to a new country. The point to the lesson is to build empathy and understanding for people who are forced to leave their homes in search of a better life. 

1 Collection 17 Views 11 Downloads
  • Celebrates Harmony Day
  • Teaches empathy
  • None