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What a great resource this is. The four-page oveview of the campaign of 1908 begins with a review of the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. Read about the nomination of William Howard Taft, Roosevelt's acolyte, sure to carry on the policies of the previous administration. Find out about William Jennings Bryan's third run for the presidency and the platform of the Democratic Party. See how both candidates campaigned and the end result.
Additional Tags
campaign finance reform, eight-hour day, gold standard, high tariffs, presidential candidates in 1908, right of labor to organize, tariff reform, aldrich-vreeland act, campaign and election of 1908, democratic party platform in 1908, republican party platform in 1908, tammany hall, william howard taft, ban on asian immigrants, child labor law
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)