Lesson Plan

Hazards in the Workplace

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Safety first! Safety first! A short video and a PowerPoint presentation introduce job seekers to child labor law awareness, safety standards, and ways to reduce workplace injuries. Class members first take a short workplace safety quiz to determine what they already know about the topic. They then research the hazards for an occupation or industry in which they are interested.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Extend the lesson by pairing pupils and having them create a presentation about a specific child labor law
  • Have individuals create a list of hazards that are common in the occupation they wish to pursue
  • Post the job hazards research papers about the room for others to read
Classroom Considerations
  • One of six resources in a career and college readiness series
  • Requires a device with internet access for each learner
  • The teacher's guide contains a quiz (with an answer key) that serves as a pre- and post-assessment
  • Statistics give the class a deeper understanding of workplace hazards that affect young workers
  • Also includes information about how to apply for the required work permits and certificates that must be filed 
  • None
Common Core