
Henry Ford, 1863-1947: He Revolutionized the Auto Industry

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Henry Ford, 1863-1947: He Revolutionized the Auto Industry worksheet also includes:

How did Henry Ford change the world? One word: automobile. After reading a two-page passage about Henry Ford's contributions to society with the invention of the automobile, readers respond to a series of 10 reading comprehension questions. Lastly, the instructional activity has pupils thinking about how modern cars have changed over time.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Include in a biography study of Henry Ford or during a lesson on sequencing
  • Teach or model how to support answers by underlining or highlighting words and phrases within the text
Classroom Considerations
  • Intended for English Language Learners, but apporpriate for maintstream classes as well
  • Print pages front and back on single pages to save paper
  • Includes an answer key for straightforward assessment
  • Comes with fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and short answer type questions
  • None
Common Core