
How Many in My Home?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This How Many in My Home? printable also includes:

Engage young mathematicians in practicing their counting skills while learning a little about the home environment of your learners with this simple instructional activity. By asking students to determine the number of windows, doors, rooms, people, and pets in their homes, this resource allows children to apply their math skills in a meaningful context.

1 Collection 269 Views 166 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Use the worksheet as a homework assignment, allowing parents and children to walk through their homes and fill in the information together
  • After completing the worksheet, allow young learners to share the information about their home with the class
  • None
  • Young children may have a difficult time imagining what their houses look like, requiring the worksheet to be completed at home