Instructional Video

How to Rhyme – a Video Poetry Writing Lesson

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This How to Rhyme – a Video Poetry Writing Lesson instructional video also includes:

A host details what does and does not rhyme in an informative video that focuses on creating words for a poem. He provides examples and discusses how rhyming makes a difference in tone and purpose. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Use a laser pointer to highlight words as the host discusses them 
  • Review pupils' notes after watching the video, create questions to use as an exit ticket 
  • Create a flipped classroom assignment; direct pupils to watch the video and take notes for homework, following the video with an in-class learning activity 
Classroom Considerations
  • Be ready to pause and replay as needed 
  • Word parts are highlighted using a different color font to distinguish them from the rest of the word 
  • The host speaks slowly and clearly
  • As more information is presented, it becomes harder to follow 
Common Core