Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This Identifying Strengths lesson plan also includes:
A game of Jeopardy helps participants identify their strengths and those of their classmates. Players use five index cards to identify their strengths in five categories (Sports & Fitness, Arts & Music, Friends & Family, School Subjects, and Just for Fun). Two teams then compete in a Jeopardy game that asks them to identify who has a particular strength in the class. In the after-game interviews and discussions, pupils realize everyone has strengths in different areas.
1 Collection
Instructional Ideas
- Post the brainstorm list of strengths next to the Respect and Self-respect list from the previous lesson
- Provide the five volunteers with a copy of the directions for the game
- Ensure that the two clickers make different sounds to make it easier to identify which group clicked first
- Create mixed ability teams and separate friends
Classroom Considerations
- Class members should be familiar with the TV "Jeopardy" game format
- Requires copies of the "Jeopardy" activity sheet and the "Strengths Interview" activity sheet
- Includes detailed directions for the "Jeopardy" activity as well as lesson extensions
- The activity addresses multiple learning styles
- None