Lesson Plan

Introduce Vocabulary: Some Birthday! (Polacco)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Introduce Vocabulary: Some Birthday! (Polacco) lesson plan also includes:

Patricia Polacco weaves an engaging tale for budding readers in her book Some Birthday!, an excellent resource for vocabulary in context. You can use this text to introduce the following words: investigate, snarl, and squawk. After a run-through of the terms, learners utilize context clues by raising hands when they hear one of these words. They connect the terms to familiar concepts through given comprehension prompts, and visual learners may benefit from the graphic organizers linked here.

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Resource Details
K - 3rd
English Language Arts
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
30 mins
Instructional Strategies
Choral Response
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Creative Commons
BY-SA: 3.0