Lesson Plan

Introduction to Matter

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Begin your states of matter lessons with a demonstration designed to introduce the concept that all matter has properties. Reinforce this concept through vocabulary exploration, and the creation of atom models; salt, water, and carbon dioxide. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Continue the vocabulary card exercise throughout the entire unit, adding cards to a vocabulary collection
  • Display atom models near your science themed bulletin board along with other images that reflect matter
  • Showcase atom models at Back-to-School Night or Open House
Classroom Considerations
  • Copies and a variety of materials are required 
  • A science notebook is listed; however, a loose piece of notebook paper works well also 
  • Example models may be needed to guide atom construction
  • The second in a series of 10 related lesson plans
  • The resource opens as an editable copy 
  • Directions are clear and written in detail 
  • None