Lesson Plan

Job Roles without Gender Boundaries

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Job Roles without Gender Boundaries lesson plan also includes:

A activity examines gender stereotypes and how they relate to career choices. Small groups look closely at job titles, identify gender bias, and brainstorm ways to add inclusivity. Individuals reflect on their interests and future career goals to make a collage.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Invite individuals that go against the gender stereotype in their career; ask them to share their experience
  • Display finished collages at Back to School Night or Open House
Classroom Considerations
  • The second resource in a series of four; the other resources are designed for different grade levels
  • Requires projection to view documents, chart paper, and materials for collage making
  • Brings awareness to gender stereotypes
  • Encourages participation from school-site staff
  • None